Our Cooperative

Our Cooperative

As a cooperative, Brooklyn Free Space is a community-based organization in every aspect of our operation, as well as our philosophy. Member families’ participation is part of what makes our school special. Our school is run by a combination of committed member families, professional teachers and dedicated directors, working together to create a warm, responsive and caring environment for our children. We believe that active family involvement enables children to see their parents as important and involved partners in their school, and models for them a civic notion of people working together to create and better the institutions that serve a community. Coop work is best done with a spirit of flexibility and willingness. Members commit their time and energies to the cooperative, and are encouraged to participate in classroom, community, and business activities.

Family Enrichment

Families are encouraged to share their talents, skills, stories, cultural celebrations or other interests with children in the classroom. Teachers welcome family support in the projects and explorations of the children and greatly appreciate when families participate in the classroom experience through reading the classroom reflections and updates as well as being active participants in the documentation of project work.

Membership Fee

All BFS member families are full voting members of the cooperative and share certain common responsibilities. Being a member of a cooperative means volunteering your time, working collaboratively to make something even better for our children, and creating a community to turn to for support and friendship, all while keeping costs down.

There are four basic member requirements:

  • Pay a $600 refundable Membership Fee

  • Attend four General Meetings a year

  • Subscribe to the BFS community email list

  • Volunteer for at least two events

  • Fulfill your coop work assignment

General Meetings

BFS General Meetings, which are usually scheduled at eight-week intervals throughout the school year, typically include classroom reports from the Educational Director, a President’s report, committee reports, a financial update and membership votes to decide on various important issues as a group. At the final meeting of the year, often in May, the Steering Committee for the following school year is elected.

Membership Fee

This is a one-time fee to "join" the coop. It is per child attending the school and would be due upon registration (when you accept your offer letter). This fee would be refundable only upon request once your child has left the school and we have determined you have no outstanding payments.

Cooperative Work

Cooperative members are given the choice each year of being an active member of one of our few committees or holding a full time coop job. Current coop committees include our Steering Committee, the New Home Task Force and our Community Building Committee. Members not on a committee hold full time coop jobs and are trusted to work independently, though sometimes they may require collaborating with other parents. Jobs may vary in expertise, but all are crucial to the running of our school.

Download The Member's Handbook (PDF)


It is a strong tradition at Free Space to assist voluntarily with school-wide events as each family’s time and finances allow. This may mean purchasing tickets to BFS events whenever possible, inviting others to these events, requesting donations of merchandise or services for the Silent Auction/Raffle, or supplying children’s and household items that you no longer need to be sold at a Stoop Sale. You are also welcome to donate money in response to the Annual Appeal or volunteer time to staff an event.